An important element in your dealership’s video marketing strategy is the call to action. Yet the call to action is often overlooked when creating Honda and Toyota dealer video content.
First, let’s talk about why a call to action is so important. A visitor may click on a link to view a video about a car you have in stock. Once they’re done watching the video, what do you want to happen? Ideally they will schedule a sales appointment with your dealership, right?

This is why a call to action is so important: often when people are watching videos, they aren’t sure what to do next when the video is over. The best-produced, most information-packed video isn’t worth much to your dealership if you aren’t able to turn views into sales. As car salespeople well know, getting quality leads is the goal of any dealership’s marketing strategy. But even the most eager car shopper won’t always schedule a sales appointment unless you ask them to do so.
Your call to action should tell your viewers exactly what to do. “Schedule an appointment with us today” or a similar phrase is all it takes. Prompt your viewers with a verbal and visual call to action by both speaking the call to action aloud on video and including text that outlines what the viewer should do now that the video is over.
If you want to really maximize your marketing strategy, your viewers should be watching your videos on a dedicated landing page. This allows the inclusion of customizable elements that can further improve your lead generation. These elements can include data driven messaging, a lead form, a customized call to action, a geo-targeted offer, and your dealership’s contact information.
With a solid call to action, an interested shopper will know exactly what to do when they want to buy a car from your dealership. Even shoppers who are on the fence about coming in to see your inventory will be much more likely to take that leap if the call to action in your video makes it seem like the logical next step. An effective call to action can make the difference between your marketing dollars buying viewers or bringing in customers.
Here is our call to action. If you would like to add our third-party Honda and Toyota video road tests to your website and emails, please reach out to Doug Thompson at (954-629-2242), or visit his calendar to set up a demo with him.