Video for Car Dealerships

Video Marketing Best Practices

Written by Prasanthi Pittala | Mar 10, 2021 5:57:22 PM

Many consumers have a built-in fear of communicating with automotive sales professionals. Using video content in your initial communications with the consumer can be your opportunity to show them that they will have a GREAT experience working with your dealership. Video is the best medium to show why consumers should like you and your dealership. It can be one of the most effective ways to humanize your dealership and establish trust with shoppers.

Tim James is the COO of Flick Fusion, and the streaming company for VehiclesTEST’s new model video reviews. Mr. James has laid out some quick tips for making the most of your video email campaigns which will increase your click-through and response rates in this article.

  1. Include the Word “Video” in the Subject Line & Avoid SPAM “Trigger Words.”

Add [VIDEO] at the end or beginning of your subject line to make it clear for your audience. It can increase open rates by 7% and improves your click-through rate by 96%. The word "video" can also help you avoid the SPAM filters. Avoiding trigger words can dramatically increase your chances of getting beyond SPAM filters.

  1. Link to the Video (or video landing page)

Some email services that people use cannot play embedded videos. So, it is always a great idea to include a link to your video or a landing page.

  1. Place Video Below the Email Message

Audiences will drop what they are doing to watch a new video, so be sure to add it at the end of the email. Doing this will ensure the consumers are reading your message before watching the video. Do not let the video distract from your main message.

  1. Do not Send an Image-Only Email

Do not say too much in your email or do not just send an email with an image only. Video emails that keep it short and to the point receive up to a 52% higher response rate than the same video sent with a long wordy message.

  1. Include a Call to Action

Videos in your emails must offer value for the customer and include that critical Call to Action (CTA). The whole point of any message sent to a consumer is to lead them on the path that you want them to follow. Make sure the CTA is easy to understand and clearly directs them. Then ensure you take them where you promised.

  1. Be Professional

Always follow best practices when filming your video. Ensure the video has good lighting, clean and pleasant space to stage. Be friendly and show enthusiasm in the video. Do not forget to smile.

  1. Have a Variety of Video Content On Your Landing Page

Once the consumer has engaged with your video in the email, provide them easy access to additional content that really shows them that "YOU are the good guys" and they can trust you. Move the consumer along in YOUR buying cycle by including Value Proposition, Testimonial, a Personal Introduction, additional Inventory, Promotional, and New Model Test Drive videos on the same landing page as your initial video message.

  1. Leverage The Shopper’s Data

Using a hosting company for your videos that offer detailed insights and data will make it easier to track your video success rates and allow you to track the actions consumers take. Using the right video host also ensures that you are receiving real-time notifications when your other video content is viewed by the same consumers. This gives great insight into which of your leads are still in the market and actively shopping on your website.

Consumers consistently state that video is their preference. Video has fast become a key factor in running more effective email campaigns. Adding video will breathe new life into your email marketing and is an engaging way to bring compelling content to shoppers.

For more information on using video at your dealership, on how to use Twitter or to set up a video blog, please reach out to Doug Thompson at (954-629-2242).