Video for Car Dealerships

Capitalize on Video Call to Action

Written by Prasanthi Pittala | Jun 17, 2020 3:03:11 PM

When you are creating videos for marketing or running a campaign, you want to keep the customer engaged but you also want them to take action. Call to actions help a business convert a visitor, or reader into a lead for the sales team. A call to action is the action you want a customer to take after watching your video.

It's like a virtual handshake and is an important aspect in Video Marketing. Overlays, forms embedded in the video, or a simple button are good examples of call to actions.

Verbalizing the call to action makes it even easier for the customer - If the call to action is a lead form, having a voice over explaining the form and guiding the customer through the process makes it even more beneficial.

For more information, watch this video.

According to a study conducted by KISSmetrics, adding a single call to action within a video generates as much as 380% more clicks than a call to action on the sidebar of the same page. Some of the examples for call to actions include: Sign Up, Learn More, Join Us, Subscribe, Get Offer etc.;

Call to actions are an efficient way to hear back from the customer and effectively close out that deal you want to make.

For more information on using video at your dealership, please reach out to Doug Thompson at (954-629-2242), or set up a demo with him.