In today’s world of shortages with chips and parts, every new vehicle is gold. Honda dealers and Toyota dealers are selling new vehicles from their virtual inventory before they even arrive at the dealership.
Video gives general managers, internet directors and salespeople the ability to clearly explain even the most complex parts of buying a car. Because trust and transparency are paramount with today's car buyer, you need to be as crystal clear as possible.
Video also makes it easier to learn for your customer, because to them watching a video is easier and more entertaining than reading endless web pages full of text.
Studies show that 65% of people are visual learners, and 30% are auditory learners. Video like VehiclesTEST’s video reviews has you covered with both visuals and sound, giving your audience exactly what they need to understand about what you offer and how they can get it.
Video has now become the preferred method of learning across all generations. How many times have you visited YouTube to learn how to do or fix something? That's the power of video--and as a dealership, you need to put it to work for you too. See how Rick Case Honda has successfully used Virtual Test Drives to help its customers.

For more information on using video at your dealership, please reach out to Doug Thompson at (954-629-2242), or set up a demo with him.