People in the market for a new car will almost certainly conduct their own internet-based research before ever coming to the showroom. Nowadays car buyers are relying on video to help them in the decision process.
For savvy dealers, this is the ideal time to connect with people who are already thinking about buying a car — even if they haven’t considered your brand. Car dealers take a lot of pride in the visual appeal of their products, more so than most other markets, and seeing that product on a medium consumers spend the most time on can be very effective.
In fact, according to a recent study on the automotive customer journey, more than 40% of shoppers who used online video for research said that it helped them discover a vehicle they weren’t previously aware of or considering.
Whether it’s viewing a video on your website or via social media, the first step the buyer wants to take is to see the vehicle in action and mentally put themselves in the driver’s seat. That’s where test drive videos can really help, like those on Northridge Toyota.
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Video also encourages people to take action. One of the huge advantages to video over print or static image ads is the visualization aspect. Consumers can see themselves in the vehicle, which provokes the consumer to physically check out the car in person.
Of the auto shoppers who used video during the research process, over 60% reported visiting a dealership or dealer website after watching a video of a vehicle they were considering.
For more information on using video at your dealership, please reach out to Doug Thompson at (954-629-2242), or visit his calendar to set up a demo with him.