Video Titles are Crucial for SEO

Top dealers know videos are essential for effective marketing. Car shoppers would rather watch a Video Test Drive than click through photos when on a Vehicle Detail Page. But when a dealership’s staff is trying to create its own content, it’s important to use clear Video Titles in the file name of the video before posting the video on social media, YouTube or on your dealership website. How-to videos, vehicle walkaround videos, and reviews of staff members are all easy to make and go far in marketing power.

This is excellent content for a dealership’s website as these videos engage existing customers. But there is another benefit that dealers tend to forget – they also attract prospective buyers and service customers when properly titled. The trick is that they must be easily discoverable. Matching your video title to a search and optimizing the video description and URL is an excellent way to increase your dealership’s SEO strategy and performance.

Everyone uses a search engine – mostly Google. On a basic level, Google delivers search results by deciding which content is relevant to the search and tends to favor local results first. For example, if a consumer were to search “Honda dealership,” Google won’t serve up results for dealerships across the country, but rather those nearby. The problem is that how-to and video walkaround videos and reviews don’t show up in many consumer searches because dealerships fail to tell Google that their video is relevant.

If a consumer is looking for a review of a new model vehicle, what do they typically type into the search bar? Most consumers will type in precisely what they are looking for. If searching for a review of a 2021 Honda Accord Touring, that is pretty much exactly what they type into the search bar. Or, if they want to know what a radiator flush is, that’s what they type in the search.

It makes sense to ensure that the title of your video mimics the questions a consumer is most likely to type into a search engine. You then show relevance to Google and will show up in searches. If you hit the nail on the head and the title of your video is an exact match for the consumer’s search, you are infinitely more likely to show up high in the organic search results. And not just Google but all search engines. Also, because Google favors local search results, chances are high that local consumers will be served up your video over others.

Video is increasingly favored by search engines, social media platforms, and consumers. Therefore, it’s imperative that your dealerships have an effective and comprehensive video marketing strategy in place.

Create content consumers want to see and be smart with your titles. Consumers will then be served up your dealership website as the answer they are looking for. And that’s a great thing for sales and service.

For more information on using video at your dealership, please reach out to Doug Thompson at (954-629-2242), or set up a demo with him.