Establish a Bond with your Video

One reason why videos are a powerful tool for salespeople is because of their ability to engage the viewer. Video is an interesting way to personalize and humanize the content. It’s really easy to forget that in order to engage the viewer, you need to connect with them. Telling them how great your product is with facts alone would be like doing a walkaround for a customer, simply reading the information on the window sticker. That is certainly not very interesting, engaging or creative.

Customers have more sophisticated tastes and expectations. Let's consider a simple scenario. You are shopping for a new vehicle and came across two videos from different dealerships on the internet. Both videos have the same factual information but one of the videos is more engaging and super fun to watch. Human tendency will make the engaging video more effective. It's just not the facts, but the way the video has been presented made it interesting for the viewer. By making the video interesting, you are not only engaging the customer but also making him more attentive. This will help the customer absorb the facts in a more fun way and naturally inclined towards your dealership.

In car sales, salespeople are trained to do vehicle walkarounds by first identifying any attributes of importance to that particular customer. The salesperson then shows and explains any features and benefits in the vehicle which fulfill that individual customer’s interest. To put it plainly, great salespeople tell stories about their products that put their audience “in the story.” They don’t just present facts, they generate a desired emotional response by focusing on “why” a product is needed, not just what the product is, (sell “why,” not “what”).

Customers don't instantly trust dealerships. Engaging videos not only generate interest but also help dealerships build trust with customers. Dealerships often do not have a face that customers can trust. It's because people trust other people more than they trust dealerships. Videos help dealerships humanize their brand. Because videos can show human emotion, customers will not only connect with the content but also with the person/brand presenting the content.

Effective video marketing includes walkarounds, personal video messages and honestly any other kind of video you can think of. Because they are all no different as long as they are presented in an unique and interesting way. That’s why so many consumers love Super Bowl commercials. It is also why some commercials make us smile, laugh out loud, or even bring a tear to our eyes. They are effective because, in most cases, they manipulate our emotions to connect those products and services with us on a personal level and make us want to engage.

Videos help dealerships build deeper and more fruitful relationships with customers. Hence, building a video strategy that is factual as well as engaging is vital to dealerships success. Video marketing efforts should focus on establishing a bond with customers. Show your customers that you are not only presenting the facts about the vehicle they are interested in but also are helping them with their needs, not just selling them a car. It increases the likelihood they will engage with you, or reach out to you, should they simply come across a video on a VDP.

For more information on using video at your dealership or to set up a blog, please reach out to Doug Thompson at (954-629-2242), or set up a demo with him.