Even just leaving a voicemail, text, or email can be a terrific method to get in touch with customers. However, a salesman who follows up with a video is considerably more likely to get a consumer to make a purchase. This is due to the preference of video among car buyers.
With the help of a video, consumers may learn more about a vehicle they're considering, acquire dependable information, and get a better sense of the transaction process with you and your dealership.
Actually, there are situations when creating a video is simpler than just placing a call or sending an email. It is also more enjoyable. So switch things up if you're sick of leaving the same customer repeated voicemails.
Without a doubt, sending a video will increase your chances of connecting with the consumer much more than leaving a third, fourth, or fifth voicemail.

Using the videos is simple, all it takes is a single page on your dealership website, and you can use the link to that page in all your sales emails. Check out any Honda or Toyota video road test via the links below on two leading dealer websites.
Watch VehiclesTEST Honda videos!
Watch VehiclesTEST Toyota videos!
So, regardless of the lead source, send videos to every single customer. Sending automobile videos catches the attention of potential buyers, improves your chances of success, and distinguishes you from other dealerships that probably do not employ this tactic. Remember, that you will sell more cars if you send consumers more videos.
For more information on using video at your dealership, please reach out to Doug Thompson at VehiclesTEST.com (954-629-2242) or visit his calendar to set up a demo with him.